Friday, February 01, 2008

2 years and 3000 words short

But I have done it! The first draft of the novel I began for NANO (was it two, or even three?) years ago is finished.

In many ways it is more of a plot outline, needing embellishment.

But it is something!


Anonymous said...
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Kirk Vandezande said...

I dunno.

Rather than hiring a consultant, it seems a whole lot simpler to rely on fair market principles to ensure the church is run well.

Pay the right professional with the right skill set at least the salary and benefits earned in a similar non-church job. Expect professional management, pay for it, and you get it.

The right person for the job you describe must have executive authority and management training, but also the wisdom and perspective to sensitively and effectively deal with church-land thinking. That would narrow the field to a fairly select group of candidates. Ignoring the prerequisite of cultural sensitivity, you are talking a graduate degree and some management experience, so a salary above $70k these days, plus commensurate benefits similar to a corporate setting. Add a premium to get somebody who also has the background to understand the community, maybe another $10k.

Isn't that the simple solution? Or what am I missing?

Pat said...

Congratulations, doc! What a great accomplishment. Now welcome to the hell of trying to sell it.

Isidora said...

Kirk, these are helpful observations from a knowledgable economist. But I fear "fair market principles" are not compelling to left-wing extremists. And then again, where will that money come from?