Monday, October 19, 2009

I have a writing coach

Julia had suggested that I divorce the writing process from work: get out of the office, get away from the computer. It is working, as I now begin to think of scribbling the novel as a relaxing activity, something I can do even if I’m a bit tired, or have already poured a glass of wine. That doesn’t mean I don’t still have to use a system of rewards and threats: no tv or novel reading until you’ve put in your fifteen minutes. Yes, fifteen minutes is what I start with and sometimes it’s longer and sometimes it isn’t, but even fifteen can produce a handwritten page or two. And, thanks to the liberal use of dialogue, the pages start to add up. It’s really much easier than all the agonizing I’d been experiencing. But the practice has not yet become truly a daily one. Particularly now with the thought of a possible full time position at Online U. and the reality of needing to finish prepping for the other online class, the discipline is slipping. When I went to see Julia last Wednesday, with pages I’d hurriedly typed up that morning, (having snatched the time from grading, so I’d have to complete that around 10 pm for the midnight deadline), I thought perhaps I’d not make a follow-up appointment, tell her I’d call to make one. Was it really worth it, after all, paying her when I was barely hanging on to do this thing? It’s still hard for me to define what role she plays in my life. Is she just a writing coach or is she also a therapist? My ambivalence washed away when I walked in the door and she welcomed me. She is so nice! What is it about her? Is it the way she somehow feels like a grandmother: happy to see me, totally accepting? I’ve really never had a therapist that made me feel that way. Let yourself experience that, I told myself. You need it!


Kirk Vandezande said...

Is she just a writing coach or is she also a therapist?

Writing is so very personal, can anyone be a writing coach and NOT also be a therapist (though we may not use that title)?

Maybe our culture has come to place more value than necessary on professional psychology rather than the wisdom of our closest community.

Isidora said...

Yes, exploring my psyche through this medium is very interesting for me. And I do feel this woman has a wisdom that goes beyond her qualifications. (I think she just has an MSW).