Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Where are my clothes?

Last night I had what I thought was a typical where-are-my-clothes-dream.  Won't go into the details, but it involved a river, and what I did have on was white.

Then this morning I read a sermon about the Baptism of Christ and saw the connection. If I had to be baptized in the Orthodox Church I would be clothed in white. And in the old days people were baptized naked and even now, X said, they would wear bathing suits (as I did in the Nazarene Church and am so glad that dimly remembered and partly verified baptism is good enough for Father). So this is not just a typical where-are-my-clothes-dream but rather a dream about my entering into this deeper, cleansing relationship with Christ. Perhaps all our where-are-my-clothes-dreams are re-enactments of Adam and Eve "sneaking around naked in the garden like Adam" and Eve, as Father Philip writes, when we could instead repent and "wear the garment of light that He has given us, […] and embrace the glory of our salvation personally and intentionally." Amen.

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