Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Lectionary Meditation: meek and what?


I know a lot of people who want to do what they can to make the earth a more peaceful, loving place. They believe that is what they are called, as Christians, to do, and I can't argue with that. But I wonder sometimes about the image of Jesus they evoke. These people want to ignore all the parables and actions of Jesus (like the one yesterday, in which he cursed a fig tree and whipped some people he didn't approve of, or today, where he mentions that the vineyard is going to be destroyed) that don't fit in with their image of Jesus, which seems to come from that Victorian ideal, Jesus "meek and mild." The right-wing Christians go too far in the opposite direction, and are all too eager to point out all the judgmental prophecies of destruction and damnation to those who don't understand God in the same way as they do. But I don't actually know too many people like that in real life (Thanks Be to God) and I do know the other kind, so it's their idolatry I want to talk about. It's idolatry when you create a God you're comfortable with, instead of opening yourself to a God who can't be narrowly defined. I just wonder how they've come up with this meek and mild ideal: it isn't a God after their own image, since none of them, that I know, are quite so sweet and passive. And the Jesus that's coming out of these readings from Mark, seems to be growing aware of his mission, an awareness that is concurrent with a growing anger at the way things are, anger that they aren't listening to him, anger that the vineyard is not operating the way it was intended.

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